Analysis Of The Perceptions of Social Sciences Teacher Candidates About The Concept Of “Tolerance” Through Metaphors

Author : Celal MUTLUER
Number of pages : 575-595.


The primary aim of this research is to reveal the perceptions of social sciences teacher candidates about the concept of “tolerance” through metaphors. Phenomenology, which is one of the qualitative research designs, is used in this research. Seventy-eight students of the Department of Social Sciences Teaching who is training in a university in 2014-2015 academic year in İzmir compose the study field of this research. Survey data is collected through semi-structured open-ended question form. To find out the metaphors about the concept of “tolerance” that survey participants have, all of them are asked to complete this sentence: Tolerance is like ….; because …... . Within this context the social sciences teacher candidates are given a form on which there is this sentence. Concentrating on only one metaphor, they are asked to express their thoughts by using this sentence and to find a reason for these metaphors. The metaphors and their reasonable bases about “tolerance” of the participants form basic data source of the research. Content analysis method is used in evaluation of the survey data. The main aim of content analysis method is to gather similar data around certain concepts and themes by supporting them with direct quotations. Common characteristics of all of the created metaphors and reasons are determined and categories that are believed to represent them are formed. According to the findings, social sciences teacher candidates form 44 acceptable metaphors about the concept of “tolerance” and these metaphors are collected under 8 categories.


Tolerance, Metaphor, Social Sciences Teacher Candidate

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