Reflectıons Of The Great Attack Vıctory In The Mıddle East

Author : Uğur ÜÇÜNCÜ
Number of pages : 703-721


The Great Attack is an important war took place between the Turkish and Greek armies in the western Anatolia on from August 26 to September 18, 1922. As a result of the Great Attack, the Western Anatolia was liberated from Greek occupation by the Turkish Army. The Turkish Victory was joyfully welcomed in the whole of Turkey and the other Islam World being bondage under the colonial empires. What was the attitude of the Middle East being the majority of people were Muslim the process of Great Attack? The answer to this question is important. Most of the Middle East lands remained under the administration of the Ottoman Empire for many years. But a part of the Middle Eastern peoples rebelled against the Ottoman Empire with the propaganda of the Allies at the end of the First World War. The Allies didn’t fulfil their promises at the end of the war. They add their colonial territories instead of giving freedom to the people of the Middle East. This development was the Middle East had a positive perception towards Turkey while causing reaction against the Allied forces. Muslim peoples of the Middle East supported Turkey fighting to liberate the occupied territories. They done cash(nakdi) and in-kind(ayni) assistance to the Turks and prayed in mosques for the final victory of the Turks. Many victory rallies were made in the geographies of the Middle East such as Iran, Syria, Egypt, Beirut, Cyprus, and Iraq with the victory of the Turks and taken congratulatory telegrams from these places to TBMM.In this study will be try to be enlightened reflections of the Great Attack in the Middle East by utilizing the state archival documents, the newspaper and the minutes of the first Turkish Grand National Assembly.


The Great Attack, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Beirut, the Middle East

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