The Vıews of Pedagogıcal Formatıon Students’ About Art

Author : Hilal UĞRAŞ -- M.Nuri GÖMLERKSİZ
Number of pages : 124-151


The main aim of this study is to determine the views of pedagogical formation students about art. The survey method was used in the study. In this study, pedagogical formation students' opinions about art were compared in terms of gender, faculty, department and education level variables. The study group covered teacher candidates enrolled at the Pedagogical Formation Course at Faculty of Education at Firat University. As it was possible to reach all teacher candidates, the entire study group was included in the study and no sample was selected. The population included 1150 students totally and 886 teacher candidates participated the study (77.04%). “Scale for Opinions about Art” developed by Ayaydın, Kurtuldu and Dayı (2017) was used as the data collection tool. This scale consists of 25 Likert type items and two factors named ‘importance of art’ and ‘enjoying art’. Validity and reliability analyzes of the scale were calculated and the Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of the whole scale was measured to be as 0,93. Independent groups t test, variance analysis, Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis H tests were used to analyze the data and the results of the study revealed statistically significant differences between the opinions of the groups.According to the findings of the study, several recommendations are offered to develop positive feelings and thoughts towards art in teacher candidates.


Pedagogical formation course,Teacher candidate, Art

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