According To the A French Traveler Armenian Issue and Anatolian Reform

Author : Necati ÇAVDAR -- Emine ÇELİKKUT
Number of pages : 459-490


The multi-national structure of the Ottoman State has begun to deteriorate with the declining of the state's power. Along with this deterioration, the great states began to form religious, political and economic interests on the non-Muslim nations of the Ottoman State. The Armenian issue took place at the beginning of the developments that Western powers put forward in this context. In the context of the “Armenian İssue”, which was 1877-1878 Ottoman-Russian War (93 Wars) in the Berlin Treaty (article 61) and in the political literatures, the Ottoman Empire, the issue of making reforms in places has come to the agenda. The work which was written by Ludovic de Contenson in 1913 in the name of “Les Reformes en Turquie d’Asie: La question Armenienne, La question Syrienne” The author Contenson visited the regions where the Armenians lived intensively in Anatolia and observed the socio-cultural characteristics of the Armenians and prepared population statistics for the eastern provinces of the Ottoman Empire. This French article, which was the subject of the presentation, was translated into Turkish by Ragıb Rıfkı in 1913. By analyzing this work which has not been used previously academic work in the context of the Armenian issue, Anatolian Reform, will be tried to be viewed with the view of foreign historian and traveler. Through the statistical data in the work, will be determined during the emergence of the Armenian İssue’s the population status of Armenians and other non-Muslim communities in the Ottoman geography. In addition, the population statistics of the general Ottoman geography in the work will be analyzed and contributed to the existing information on the regional distribution of Muslim and non-Muslim Ottoman elements in the late 19th century.


Armenian issue, Anatolian Reforms, II. Abdülhamid, non-Muslim, Population

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