The Opınıons of The Hıgher Educatıon Students About The Erasmus Program (Mus Alparslan Unıversıty Sample)

Author : Yahya ADANIR - Ezlam SUSAM
Number of pages : 1584-1612


The aim of this study is to reveal the opinions of the higher education students about the Erasmus Program, which is one of the European Union education programs. The reasons of participation of students in these programs, the preparations made before attending the program, the problems they experienced during the program and the benefits they achieved were tried to be determined. Case study which is a qualitative research method was used in the study. The data were obtained by semi-structured interviews with 10 students who participated in Erasmus student mobility between the years 2015 and 2018. Data were analyzed by content and descriptive analysis techniques. As a result of the research, it has been seen that the students mostly participated in the program in order to see new cultures and to develop their foreign languages, and as a result of the program, they achieved these aims. Based on the results of the research, various suggestions were made for students who would like to benefit from the program. The most important of these suggestions are; there should be orientation programs for the participants and the grant for the students should be increased.


Erasmus, Higher Education, Exchange Programs, Qualitative Research

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