Evaluation of Islamic Resources in Terms of Caucasus Turkish History - Sajıds Period-

Author : Bayram Arif KÖSE
Number of pages : 1436-1470


Developments following the Muslim conquest of Iran not only do constitute important phases of the Islamic history, but they have also great significance in terms of the relationship between Turks and Muslims. Particularly in the Caucasian geography, the conflicts of interests between the East Roman Empire and Muslims, and clashes with Turks changed the course of history in the region. As to the Abbasid period, the rule of Turkish governors in the region started a new era for Muslim Turks and the local people. When the Sajid dynasty took command of the entire region and put an end to the influence of other actors, it paved the way for both Islamization and Turkification of the region. Although the Islamic writers who addressed all the events chronologically since creation until their time provided much information about this dynasty, their knowledge on the activities of the dynasty in this region was somehow insufficient. Islamic chronicles such as Kitâbü’l-Uyûn, Tajarīb al-Umam by Ibn Miskawayh, Akhbar Al-Duwal Al-Munqatia by Zafir al-Azdi, al-Muntazam by Ibn al-Jawz, el-Kâmil fi’t-Târîh by Ibnü’l-Esîr, Nihâyetü’l-ereb by Nüveyrî, Târîhu’l-İslâm by Zehebî and the History of al-Ṭabarī in particular give considerable amount of information about the Sajid dynasty. This study examined the Islamic sources in Arabic and attempted to assess their account of the Sajid dynasty.


Caucasus, Sajids, Azerbajian, Abbasid

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