The Quotations From The Verses İn Yetimü’ş-Şüruh

Author : Fatih ATABEK
Number of pages : 570-582


The meaning of the quotation in literature is “taking, transfering a word, a sentence or their meaning directly,”, is also used to benefit from the someone’s knowledge as well. At this point, as Allah or Hz. Muhammad is refered, in terms of credibility, quotation becomes a means of evidence to prove what is said. In our literature, quoting from the verses is often used in poetry. However, in our literature, prose writings have also been quoted from verses. Particularly quoting from the verses in the text can increase the validity of that text even more. For this reason, Turkish literature has been quoted abundantly in the texts. According to the sources, in general, it is appropriate to quote of the Qur'an in sermon, address, etc.; to quote the Qur'an in ghazal, risale and parables is allowable; to quote the Qur'an in non-solemn poems, obscene verses, etc. is not appropriate. On the other hand, when the quotas are classified, they are classified according to whether they are in conformity with the Sharia and the Islamic manners, taking all or part of the quoted verse and giving the meaning of the relevant verse or giving the relevant verse in Arabic. In this article it is tried to show how verse is used in commentary, it has been tried to show how the verses are used in the commentary in the doctorate thesis titled “Talibi Hasan Dede Yetimü’ş-Şüruh (Analysis-Text-Glossary)” which is the commentary of the third volume of Mevlana’s Mesnevi. Firstly, the meaning and function of the word “quotation” has been emphasized, and then various sources have been used to classify quotation. While making these classifications, examples has been given to show the class of the quotas which were made from verses in Yetimü’ş-Şüruh. In the next stage, the verses quoted in the couplet in Yetimü’ş-Şüruh have been identified and shown how these verses were used in the commentary. Finally, we have an evaluation on quotation from the verses in Yetimü’ş-Şüruh.


Key Words: Quotation, Verse, Commentary, Classification

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