Translation Approaches in Pre-Theoretical Era

Number of pages : 1799-1821


Throughout history, the translators have had to make a choice between loyalty to the source text while reflecting the pattern of the original text in the target material and the style of the author, or to reflect the characteristics of the target culture as much as possible by using expressions that would not be regarded as "foreign" in the target literary polysystem. Also, the translator has tried to justify his/her procedure about which approach s/he has chosen during the translation process. Addressing the thoughts about target and source-orientedness of those who have spoken about translation in the pre-theoretical period with a holistic approach will enable us to have information about the perception of these concepts within the historical process; and it will contribute to see the historical development of translation activity more clearly. The aim of this study is to trace the source and target-oriented approaches in today's terms adopted in the translation process within the field of literature. The general scope of the study is to examine the concepts of source and target-orientedness in the field of literature in a synchronic and diachronic way. In order to understand the general approaches of these periods on the subject better, not only the views of the translators with the identity of an author and poet or those who are engaged in translation have been stated, but also the views of other thinkers and pioneers who have influenced and directed these periods through translation approaches have been mentioned.


Translation history, Source-oriented translation, Target-oriented translation, Translation theory

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