Investıgatıon Of The Lonelıness Level Of The Auxılıary Health Staff Accordıng To Some Varıables

Author : Ramazan ÖZAVCI -Nahit ÖZDAYI
Number of pages : 2836-2852


The aim of this study is to examine loneliness levels in the auxiliary healthcare staff according to some variables. A total of 240 participants, 106 women (44,2%) and 134 men (55,8%), participated in the study voluntarily. The staff's gender, age, marital status, educational status, duration of office, exposure to mobbing and the status of exercise making were examined. UCLA loneliness scale, which was developed by Russel, Peplau and Ferguson (1978) and adapted to Turkish by Demir (1989), was used to determine the loneliness levels of the staff. Parametric test methods were applied since the collected data showed normal distribution. Findings obtained in data analysis were considered significant at the level of p<0,05. A statistically significant difference was founded between loneliness levels according to the mobbing exposure of the auxiliary health staff (0,05). It has been determined that the auxiliary health staff who don’t make exercise are lonely due to mobbing (0,05). A statistically significant, positive but low correlation was observed between mobbing exposure and loneliness. According to the other variables included in the study, no statistical difference was found in case of loneliness. As a result, it was understood that the assistant healthcare staff who were exposed to mobbing became lonely and exercise decreased the level of loneliness.


Auxiliary Health Staff, Mobbing, Level Of Loneliness, UCLA.

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