Palestine The Rivalry Scene of Missionary Organizations

Author : Celal ÖNEY
Number of pages : 331-354


British missions to the “Holy Land” trailed French and Russian mission activity by many decades. By the mid-nineteenth century, French and Russian Catholic and Orthodox monasteries, convents, schools and hospices had been prominent in Palestine for nearly a hundred years. France had acquired a “protector” status over the Catholics of the Ottoman empire in the “capitulations” of 1740, after which French Catholic missionary activity expanded. In 1744, Russia received a similar protectorate over the empire’s Orthodox Christian subjects, and began to promote Russian Orthodox activity in Palestine. British missions in Palestine, by contrast, did not begin to appear until the mid-nineteenth century, and were comprised mainly of evangelical Protestants who stood some way outside the structures of church and state power in the metropolis.The first British missionary group to send representatives to Palestine was the Church Missionary Society, (CMS) founded in 1799 by a group of evangelical members of the Church of England known as the Clapham Sect.


CMS, Palestine, Jerusalem, Protestantism, Missionary Organizations, Middle East

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