Middle East Policy Of The USA After The Cold War

Author : Selim KURT
Number of pages : 167-196.


The Middle East region is always centrally located in power struggle of big Powers of the World because of its jeo-political location and rich fossil energy resources. The region was controlled by Britain and France, who were the leading countries of that period, before the I. World War and between the two wars (First and Second World Wars). But America, who had been experienced isolation policy, started to step into region directly because of came out of Britain and France being exhausted from the Second World War and took action of Soviet Russia for filling the gap of these two states. America, became only super-power of the World following to completion of Cold War, also became the most important actor of the region, as well. And she became the key determinant of region by the policies, followed by her.


Middle East, September 11, Syria, The War on Teror.

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