The Analysis Of Social Studies Teacher Candidates' Perceptıon Of Kutül Amare War By Metaphors

Author : Celal MUTLUER
Number of pages : 89-108


The purpose of this study is to analyse the perceptions of the social studies teacher candidates about kutül amare war through the analysis of metaphors. The data of the research were collected from 150 teacher candidates(1.2.3. and 4. grades) who continue in their social studies program. The participants were asked to answer questions such as “Kutül Amare war is like ….. .Because …” by using metaphors. These metaphors they produced and their logical bases formed the basic data source of the research. While resolving the data collected from the candidates, descriptive analysis and content analysis techniques were used. All the metaphors produced and their reasons were analysed, their common qualities were identified and the themes which are thought as the representatives of those metaphors were formed. In the light of the data obtained it is understood that social studies teacher candidates could produce 61 valid metaphors about kutül amare war. These metaphors were evaluated within 6 themes. Those are; “kutül amare war as a big victory won” “kutül amare war as a desire tol live independently” “kutül amare war as a struggle” “kutül amare war as the history information” “kutül amare war as a demolition “ kutül amare war as a hope”. As a result of the study, among the metaphors produced by the candidates “kutül amare war as a big victory won” took the first place. The excessive and diversive use of metaphors is the result of students’ having an enhanced cognition about kutül amare war.


Metaphors, Social Sciences Theacher Candidate, Kutül Amare War

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