Notes About Assassınatıon Wıth Poıson In The Saldjukıd Age

Author : Ahmet KÜTÜK
Number of pages : 174-195


Saldjukid period is one of the most active periods of Turkish history. This mobility has also manifested itself in the context of political ambitions and struggles for reign. Since there was no system of succession registered in the Turkish tradition by law, in the struggles between rulers and successors, different methods have been applied apart from eliminating the rivals with a battle. Killing the opponent with poison in order to obtain the reign was seen as one of the most definitive solutions in this process. Because of the incitement of some state officials, this situation which occurred between father, son and brothers adversely affected survivability of the state when it was in strongest age, and even caused interregnum periods. The method of killing with poison is the most common disposal method in the competition not only among dynastic members but also between statesmen. For this reason, focusing on these events will reveal the criminal map of the Saldjukid period to a great extent. In this article, it will be tried to put forth the details, procedures and principles of assassinations with poison in Saldjukids age.


Saldjukids, murder with poison, struggle for Sultanate, Malikshah, Alaeddin Kaykubad.

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