Reflections to the External Press the Developments in Cotton Productıon in Turkestan (1960-1915)

Author : Aysel ERDOĞAN
Number of pages : 18-40


Russia used Turkestan as a weapon against foreign states, especially Britain, in line with his military and political objectives. The strategic importance and political instability of the region have influenced Russia's active policy implementation in the region. In this process, Russia has implemented a policy to completely control and colonize the region. cotton produced in Turkestan was an important part of Russian colonialism. For Russia, who wants to get rid of her devotion to American cotton, cotton in Turkestan has gained importance. Russia, which has implemented a policy to increase cotton production in Turkestan since the 1860s, has demanded that all arable areas in Turkestan be devoted to cotton production. By supplying Turkestan's grain needs from Russia, the cultivated cotton lands were increased and cotton production was realized with seed brought from the USA while domestic cotton varieties decreased. Instead of increasing the amount of irrigable land by improving the irrigation system in order to increase cotton production, Russia's policy to allocate all arable land to cotton production which has caused Turkestan to lose its self-sufficient area. In our study, developments in cotton production as a part of Russian colonialism in Turkestan and their reflections on Turkestan people were discussed.


Turkestan, Russia, Colonial, Cotton.

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