A Trial About Transfer of The Proverbs and The Idioms by Images: The Samples of Adıyaman Region

Author : M. Fatih ALKAYIŞ -Serdal YERLİ
Number of pages : 1747-1762


Proverbs and idioms are important riches of language. It is possible to find extensive information about these in many books. In order to be able to convey them fully or to be used in teaching, it is necessary to include various images besides written or verbal explanations. It is a well-known fact that articles supported by images have more permanent effects on students' minds. Images are actually one of the most important elements of the depiction. Therefore, the importance of images cannot be denied. Sometimes a written explanation is insufficient for what a visual object conveys. There are some cases, both the image and the explanation need to be presented together. The qualitative research method was used in this study that gathering together of Visual Arts and Turkish Language area experts within the framework of interdisciplinary approach logic. The proverbs and idioms that constitute the language material of our study were taken from the books titled “Adıyaman Ağzında Atasözleri ve Deyimler” written in 2012 and “Adıyaman Ağzında Atasözleri ve Deyimler -2” in 2019 by M. Fatih ALKAYIŞ. The drawing of the images in this study was made by Serdal YERLİ. The evaluations and comments in the article were put forward in the direction of both authors' own expertise. Our aim in creating an interdisciplinary study where painting and Turkish Language areas meet is to make the subject better understandable by using both the explanations and the images together in the same text and to increase the retention.


Proverbs and idioms, Adıyaman dialect, images, teaching.

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