Many beyliks were established in Anatolia on the territory of Seljuk State. Ottoman Beylik was one of those beyliks. This beylik led to the emergence of a great civilization on the Turkish and Islamic heritage of the past. Waqfs were an important part of this civilization. Waqfs were formed especially by sultans, high-ranking statesmen, scientists, wealthy people or ordinary people. Asporça Hatun Waqf, Mekece Waqf, İmaret Waqf in Bursa, Gebze Social Complex Waqf and Gazi Süleyman Paşa Waqf are some of the waqfs that were established early Ottoman period. One of the most significant characteristics of the Ottoman waqfs during the foundation period was that their waqf certificate charters were written in Arabic. The most important waqf certificate charter, which was written in Turkish during the foundation period, is the waqf certificate charter dated 1360 C.E of the imaret in Bursa built by Orhan Gazi. Asporca Hatun Waqf Certificate Charter was interestingly written in a mix of Turkish and Arabic. There are also waqf certificate charters written on stone. During the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, in the year 1553 C.E., sultan's waqf certificate charters were translated into Turkish by the order of the sultan in order to make good use of the contents.
Ottoman Empire, Foundation Period, Waqf, Waqf Certificate