Siyasal İletişim ve Medya Bağlamında Siyasal Reklamlar:2011 Türkiye Genel Seçimleri Örneği

Author :  

Year-Number: 2022-LVIII
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2022-06-27 00:36:06.0
Language : İngilizce
Konu : İletişim Çalışmaları
Number of pages: 1971-1993
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Siyasal iletişim, siyasetin en temel karakteristiği olan siyasal söylemlerin seçmenin tutum ve davranışları üzerinde etki etmesine yönelik bir süreci ifade etmektedir. Siyasal iletişim sürecinde siyasal aktörler, halka mesajlarını çeşitli iletişim mecraları aracılığıyla iletmeye çalışır. Siyasal reklamlar ise en önemli ve etkili siyasal iletişim yöntemlerinden biridir. Bu çalışmada, siyasal iletişim sürecinde kullanılan ve siyasal iletişim de en etkili araç olduğu kanaatinin yaygın olduğu TV reklamlarında 12 Haziran 2011 Türkiye Genel Seçimlerinde yarışmış olan iktidar partisi Ak Parti ile Ana Muhalefet Partisi CHP’nin reklam filmleri, “Yeni İkonalar: Televizyonda Reklam Sanatı” adlı kitabında Rutherford (1996) tarafından ortaya konulan reklam analiz modeli kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Rutherford’un reklam analiz modeli Anlamlar, Estetik, Yapı, Mecazlar ve İmgeler, İkili Mantık, Kültürel Göndermeler, Simgeler ve İdeoloji alt başlıklarından oluşmaktadır. Her iki reklam filminde de pozitif ve birleştirici bir dilin kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Ak Parti reklamında farklı yaş grubu ve yöresel kıyafetler giyen insanlar bulunmaktadır. Böylelikle parti ve seçmen arasında duygusal bir bağ kurulmaya çalışılmıştır. Benzer şekilde CHP’nin reklamında da birlik beraberlik vurgusu yapılmış ancak daha karamsar bir atmosferde sunulmuştur. Reklamda daha çok genel Başkan Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’nun halkla buluştuğu anlardan kesitler vardır. Böylelikle seçmen ve lider arasındaki bağa yönelik bir strateji kullanılmıştır.



Political communication refers to a process. In that process the political discourses, then are the essential characteristics of politics, affect the attitudes and behaviors of voters. Political actors try to convey their messages toward the public through various communication channels in the effort of political communication process. Political advertisements are one of the most essential and effective political communication methods. The television commercials are widely used in the political communication process and are accepted as to be one of the most effective tool in political communication. This study examines both the ruling Ak Party's and the main opposition party CHP's television commercials, which competed against each other to be the ruling party in the 12 June 2011 General Elections in Turkey. The method for analyzes is the advertising analysis model introduced by Rutherford (1996) in his book "New Icons: The Art of Advertising on Television".  The model bases on aspects of “Meanings, Aesthetics, Structure, Metaphors and Images, Binary Logic, Cultural References, Symbols and Ideology”. Both commercials use a positive and a unifying language in it. Ruling Ak Party’s advertisement shows people wearing local clothes from various age groups. Thus, it aims to create an emotional bond between the party and the potential voters. On the other hand CHP’s commercials give the message around unity and solidarity also yet it framed in a pessimistic manner. That commercial, portrays the opposition leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu as he meets the public and appears as a solution to the problems. So that way, it follows a strategy to create a bond between the voter and the leader


  • for secularism, chose an advertisement film in the 2011 general election

  • analysis of the political commercial in the CHP 2011 general elections.

  • CHP 2011 Political Commercial Film Aims intended: It reveals that there is a rift in society by showing people with distressed facial expressions and it will be a remedy for all segments of society. Transformation: CHP which usually gives much more political messages before this time makes a call for everyone. This CHP call is made for both believers (Islam/Muslims) and non-believers with a concrete message without focusing on abstract promises such as secularism and without separating the segments. Duration: 42 seconds speed: middle word/image balance: image+ Voice-over: Chairman singer(s): no direct call: no Target: Voting humor: none comparison:none Sounds: background music: emotional Admiration: none gaze: negative extremism:none Tricks: photomontage effects, cropping the photos, and placing flags on the back and colors. Comment: Giving the CHP leader as a remedy after pictures based on simple ordinary people looking in desperation. Design: slide quest: remedy school: emotional Strategy: hope told by: Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu wished by: Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu Comment: Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu is at the forefront as a person who is honest, principled, sincere, strong and manages to stay calm under even heavy pressures. 1.color= distressed people 2. handshake= help 3. unhappy face= awareness Comment: With the image of a leader integrated with the people, an honest and hardworking leader profile sensitive to their problems has been tried to be drawn. 1.difference/unity 2.humanity/CHP 3.harmony/contradiction People/ humanity citizens/ family cooperation/ conflict Individual/mass happiness/pro-for-all/citizen Comment: It is emphasized that a leader party accepts the differences of the society as wealth and respects their differences with tolerance, even those who are not their own. 1.cultural expression 2. pigeon 3. cap Characteristics: natural pictures peace symbol of honesty like Ecevit Comment: In the spontaneous photographs the peaceful nature of the once-prime minister Ecevit, nicknamed as the “dark boy” as a public hero figure is emphasized, with his capped hat and the pigeons liberated from his hand. Number of people: few people: ordinary Group(s): folk lifestyle(s): not determined Gender: male and female Class: low income Race: mixed Age: mixed Comment: Based on a small number of costumes and stances, a portrait of a leader that the people can easily approach and underlined that Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu would embrace everyone's problem without making any distinction from his voice. Requirements: 1. draw 2. no 3. no Motifs: passer-by Comment: Since it is the first election marathon of the new Chairman of the Republican People's Party, the Republican People's Party mainly drew a strategy about the Chairman in its advertisement. At the point of the presentation of the new Chairman to the voters, it is ensured that the people, who have an unquestionable past and a private life, trust the CHP with documents, revealing the corruption before he became the Chairman.

  • (Güz, 2008, p.26). In this context, the media is seen as the essential tool of the

  • societies to elections (Gezgin, 2012, p.19; Öztay, 2022, p. 123). The media, which

  • the voters (Bölükbaşı and Macar, 2019, p.961) and to communicate with the

  • voters in the context of political advertising (Şeker and İşlenen, 2012, p.347).

  • From this point of view, in the 2011 general elections, like many political parties,

  • promote their parties and actions. The importance of the June 12, 2011 elections in terms of political

  • (Bölükbaşı and Macar, 2019, p.960; Keskin and Şanlı, 2014, p.15) The scope of

  • message with the political party leader. Parallel to this finding, in Doğan (2013)

  • the other hand, Sarıtaş and Balcı (2021) investigated the 2015 general election in

  • communicate with the public (Doğan, 2021, p.200; Gültekin & Tos, 2020). In future studies, the effect of advertisements on the choice of voters should

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