Kore Savaşı (1950-1953), Kuzey Kore ve Güney Kore arasında başlayan bir çatışma olarak başlamış daha sonra uluslararası bir boyut kazanmıştır. Savaş sırasında Türk Ordusu yaklaşık üç yıl boyunca Kore’de görev yapmış ve bu süre zarfında çeşitli sağlık sorunları ile karşılaşmıştır. Savaş koşulları ve zorlu iklim, askerlerin sağlık durumunu olumsuz etkilemiş, zührevi hastalıklar, tifo, trahom, frengi, sıtma ve sinirsel hastalıklar gibi sağlık sorunlarının ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Hastalıklara müdahale Kore’deki hastanelerde gerçekleştirilmiş, Türkiye’den gönderilen sağlık personeli ise tedavi süreçlerine katkıda bulunmuştur. Sağlık sorunları ciddi boyutlara ulaştığında ise askerler Türkiye’ye sevk edilerek daha kapsamlı tedavi imkânlarına erişmiştir. Ayrıca, askeri personelin moralinin yüksek tutulması amacıyla İstanbul ve Ankara’da çeşitli mitingler düzenlenmiş, Kore’de gazi olan Türk askerlerine çeşitli heyetler tarafından karşılanıp halk tarafından hediyeler takdim edilmiştir. Bu etkinlikler ile askerlerin moralini artırmayı ve toplumsal destek sağlanmasını hedeflenmiştir. Basın bu süreçleri geniş bir şekilde haberleştirerek kamuoyunu bilgilendirmiştir. Çalışma da Kore Savaşı sırasında yaşanan sağlık sorunları ve askeri personele yönelik moral destek faaliyetleri, askeri sağlık hizmetlerinin ve personel destek sistemlerinin önemini vurgulanmıştır. Çalışmaya en önemli katkıyı Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Milli Savunma Bakanlığı Arşiv ve Askerî Tarih Daire Başkanlığı Arşivi (ATASE) sağlamıştır. Sağlıkla ilgili arşiv kaynakları belli bir düzen dahilinde çalışma da yer verilmiştir. Arşiv kaynaklarının yanı sıra ulusal basın, araştırma ve inceleme eserlerinden de yararlanılmıştır.
The Korean War (1950-1953) started as a conflict between North Korea and South Korea and later gained an international dimension. During the war, the Turkish Army served in Korea for about three years and faced various health problems during this period. The war conditions and harsh climate negatively affected the health status of the soldiers and led to the emergence of health problems such as venereal diseases, typhoid, trachoma, syphilis, malaria and nervous diseases. The treatment of diseases was carried out in hospitals in Korea, while medical personnel sent from Turkey contributed to the treatment processes. When health problems reached serious levels, soldiers were transferred to Turkey for more comprehensive treatment. In addition, various rallies were organized in Istanbul and Ankara to keep the morale of the military personnel high, and Turkish soldiers who were veterans in Korea were welcomed by various delegations and presented with gifts by the public. These events aimed to increase the morale of the soldiers and to provide social support. The press covered these processes extensively and informed the public opinion. In this study, the health problems experienced during the Korean War and the morale support activities for military personnel emphasized the importance of military health services and personnel support systems. The most important contribution to the study was provided by the Republic of Turkey Presidency of the Republic of Turkey State Archives Presidency, Ministry of National Defense Archives and Military History Department Archives (ATASE). Health-related archival sources were included in the study in a certain order. In addition to archival sources, national press, research and review works were also utilized
The Korean War (1950-1953) started as a conflict between North Korea and South Korea and later gained an international dimension. During the war, the Turkish Army served in Korea for about three years and faced various health problems during this period. The war conditions and harsh climate negatively affected the health status of the soldiers and led to the emergence of health problems such as venereal diseases, typhoid, trachoma, syphilis, malaria and nervous diseases. The treatment of diseases was carried out in hospitals in Korea, while medical personnel sent from Türkiye contributed to the treatment processes. When health problems reached serious levels, soldiers were transferred to Türkiye for more comprehensive treatment. In addition, various rallies were organized in Istanbul and Ankara to keep the morale of the military personnel high, and Turkish soldiers who were veterans in Korea were welcomed by various delegations and presented with gifts by the public. These events aimed to increase the morale of the soldiers and to provide social support. The press covered these processes extensively and informed the public opinion. In this study, the health problems experienced during the Korean War and the morale support activities for military personnel emphasized the importance of military health services and personnel support systems. The most important contribution to the study was provided by the Republic of Türkiye Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye State Archives Presidency, Ministry of National Defense Archives and Military History Department Archives (ATASE). Health-related archival sources were included in the study in a certain order. In addition to archival sources, national press, research and review works were also utilized.