Alternative Applications for Active History Courses Historical Reenactment and Simulations

Author : Neval AKÇA BERK
Number of pages : 755-777


Studies in history teaching are driven by an approach where the value of information and student experiences are taken into consideration, students are actively involved in life, they make the right decisions and solve problems, and creative, critical, emphatic thought skills and evidentiary learning becomes the focus in in-class and off-curriculum courses designed in a supportive way for development. It is emphasized that a variety unique to the history course must be applied in learning and teaching methods and techniques in order to have access to each and every student during the course. Therefore, it is highly critical to diversify and enrich active learning methods. This study is intended to address, on a comparative basis, historical reenactment and classroom simulation applications that may serve as an alternative application in history courses and to lay down similarities and differences. Document analysis has been used in this research designed as a quantitative research pattern and the literature on historical reenactment and simulation has been examined. As a consequence, while historical reenactment and simulation are similar in terms of pre-application preparations as well as assessments during and after the application, they are different at basic points in which the simulation does not need a historic or listed venue and an artificial problem is created.


Historical Reenactment, Simulation, History Course

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