The Turkish Poetry of Câbî-zâde Halîl Fâiz

Author : Özgür KIYÇAK
Number of pages : 1862-1908


The 18th century is last classical period of classical Turkish literature. This century, which could be filled by Nedîm and Gâlib alone, is an era in which classical poetry dissolved, as well. It is possible to talk about poets, who were unable to reach this threshold, nevertheless were able to attain a literariness quality in tradition but they remained in the shade, beyond Nedîm and Gâlib. Having both scientist and artistic identity and having knowledge about the sciences such as astronomy and mathematics, Fâǿiz is a poet who, unfortunately, is seldom mentioned despite his dreams and works in quite various fields. His small divançe not only is of literary quality, but also is a significant witness of Câbî-zâde's literary power despite its small volume. He is also remarkable since he was right at the crossroads of different schools, such as Sebk-i Hindî, the Hikemî style, the Classical line based on presence of many literary schools during his period. Qualities of his poetry and literary identity include his ability to recite poetry in Elsine-i selâse, his verses witnessing his period, his mental aspect by touching upon religious, sufistic, and intellectual issues with his rubaie, his quality capturing lyricism as well as mentality in his odes, and the soundness of his poems. Hence, it is considered necessary to publish divançe of Câbî-zâde, who attracted the attention of dignitaries of the state during his period in particular, became as close to Rîmî Mehmed Pasha to write eulogy for him, and was working as mudarris, and firstly Turkish poetry in his poetry and to make a general evaluation about them in order to explore his literariness and nature of literary works.


Câbi-zâde Halîl Fâǿiz, Divançe, Turkish Poetry

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