About Vowel Roundings of Gerede Dialect

Author : Erol ÖZTÜRK
Number of pages : 1852-1861


Gerede is a town whose history goes back to B.C. III and IV. Turks started to come to this town from the XI century. Oguz tribes settled in the region formed the basis of today's dialects Gerede. The first information about the dialectology of this region is in the work of "Edviye-i Müfrede" written by İshak bin Murâd from Gerede. This book gives information about of the dialectology of Gerede. It contains the names of plants and animals. The famous traveller Evliya Çelebi expresses some of the language features of the dialectology of region in his work titled ‘Lisân-ı Istılâh-ı Etrâk-ı Tosya ve Bolu ve Dörddîvân’. Evliya Çelebi makes a short review in his book. The dialects of Bolu and its region studied within two groups and the dialect of Gerede is evaluated in a group of the city-center of Bolu, the towns of Yeniçağ, Dörtdivan and, Mengen. Bolu is surrounded with the dialects of Zonguldak, Bartın and Karabük dialects which show Kipchak features in the north, the dialects of the central Anatolian and Kastamonu in the north and the east, the dialects of Kocaeli and Sakarya where mostly Rumelian settlers live in the west. In this study, the vowel roundings in the Gerede dialect will be examined and the comparison will be made with Old Anatolian Turkish.


Gerede Dialect, Vowel, Roundings, Old Anatolian Turkish

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