Fantastik Edebiyat Çevirilerinde Söylem Kısıtları

Author : Sevcan Yılmaz KUTLAY
Number of pages : 2739-2755


In Translation Studies, discourse has generally been discussed as a part of the binary opposition of “form versus content” or “structure versus meaning” and at the end of this discussion, challenging discourse elements of some genres (especially poetic discourse) have been often considered untranslatable. With the goal of arousing uncanny, fantastic literature as a literary genre needs hesitation and a familiar kind of strangeness. While discoursive elements such as idiolects, sociolects, fictional constructed languages (conLang) and specifically designed proper names, special terminology of fantastic can help construct this strangeness, they evoke some challenges for translators. Although discoursive elements can be constraints or challenges for translators; as Pym (1992) offers translation is a potential tool, “a discovery procedure of intercultural Discourse Analysis” (p.235). This article aims to question the discoursive constraints and Discourse Analysis in translation of fantastic literature after discussing the scope and nature of fantastic literature.


Translation, Discourse, Fantastic Literature, Sociolect, Idiolect.

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